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Development of design estimates and exploration, exploration and further exploration of oil and natural gas reserves.
UA-Systems performs a full range of oil and gas exploration activities. In the process of project preparation, field work, laboratory and pilot-operational research, creation of geological and technological model of the field, writing a report and approval of hydrocarbon reserves in the SCC of Ukraine our company is guided by:
The Subsoil Code of Ukraine;
The Law of Ukraine “On the State Geological Service”;
Mining Law of Ukraine;
The Law of Ukraine "On Oil and Gas";
Rules for development of oil and gas fields;
Instructions on the application of the Classification of mineral resources and resources of the State Subsoil Fund to the geological and economic study of resources of prospective sites and reserves of oil and gas;
Regulations on the procedure of feasibility study of the conditions for the calculation of oil and gas reserves;
Safety rules in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine;
The Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Protection”;
The Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment";
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Procedure for disposal of geological information”,
and other regulations.