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Exploration for and exploration for solid minerals
UA-Systems performs a full cycle of exploration for solid minerals, from design and field research, to processing, analysis of field materials, reporting and stockpiling at the SCC of Ukraine. According to the data of the exploration: geological structure of the deposit, patterns of spatial position, conditions of occurrence, shape, size and structure of mineral deposits, the quantity and quality of mineral resources in the subsoil, its technological properties and factors that determine the conditions for further operational work.
Exploration works are performed accordingly:
The Code of Ukraine on subsoil;
The Law of Ukraine “On the State Geological Service”;
Mining law of Ukraine;
Regulations on the stages of exploration for solid minerals;
Regulations on the procedure for conducting state examination and evaluation of mineral resources;
Qualification of mineral resources and resources;
Instructions on the content, design and procedure for submission of materials of geological and economic estimates of metallic and non-metallic minerals to the State Commission for the Reserves of Minerals;
Instructions on the content, design and procedure for submission to the SCC of Ukraine of materials on geological and economic assessment of coal reserves and shale,
and other regulations.